Case Study Film
Samsung and NASA join forces to open the Moon to all is 50th anniversary of the moonwalk approaches
Close to 50 years ago, the world held their breath as Armstrong stepped out onto the Moon. It was hailed as a “giant leap for mankind”. In reality, only 12 astronauts, all of them white American men, have ever set foot on the Moon. We pushed the boundaries of what a phone can do, to let you “do what you can’t”.
The Moon is now open to all — every race, creed and flag.
Making it Happen
A Moon For All Mankind, a 4D VR experience, opens the Moon to everyone and lets you experience lunar gravity on earth.
This amazing project took 18 months from concepting to pitching (Samsung global), to conversations with NASA, to finding the specialists to create the rig and visual experience, to activation. Presenting the idea to NASA at Johnson Space Centre was a dream-come-true moment.
We pulled together a team comprising VFX specialists, simulator engineers and NASA. Working as one, we built a state-of-the-art lunar gravity rig inspired by the gravity simulator used to train astronauts.
• Our rig registers your weight in realtime and lifts you as if you were one-sixth of your mass on earth.
• The CGI environment was accurately modelled on NASA’s Lunar topographical data.
• Sensors attached to your flight suit tracked your movements in realtime and replicated it in VR.
• 158 million total PR, web and social impressions.
• 86,000 people reached so far at activations at the Winter Olympics in Korea, Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and Samsung 837 Experience Center in NYC. Next up: London and Tokyo.
(BBC click)