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Natural Language Generation

There’s “a.i.” in david.

Together with a writer-strategist from Ogilvy Social Labs, we put together a proposal to use Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Natural Language Generation (NLG), as a means to help Ogilvy create highly effective social posts faster for our clients. The proposal has gotten the go-ahead by the CEO and we’re planning to test it on a couple of clients, learn and improve the offering before we deploy throughout the agency.

• AI has been automating work processes in the creative industries for some years now and the technology has matured: AI-written direct response copy has proven to outperform human ones. Brands are turning to AI-written copy services to gain more clicks in less time.

• We dubbed this service “AI-enhanced copywriting”. It’s worth mentioning that all NLG-written copy will be supervised, directed and posted by humans.

• Far from taking over the role of the copywriter, we have the opportunity to offer creatives a powerful new tool and free up their time for conceptual, creative thinking.
