
AI/ML Experiments - How well do machines see?

How Well Do Machines See?

Tensorflow.js Machine Learning Experiments

I decided to get under the hood of machine learning (ML) and created these web-based prototypes. These prototypes offer low latency responses because the ML models used are optimised for web environments. Give them a go and have fun! (NB: Prototypes 1, 2, 4 and 5 work on desktops and mobiles, but No. 3 will only work on mobiles.)

Give them a go!

  1. Tensorflow.js - static image classifier

  2. Tensorflow.js - webcam image classifier

  3. Tensorflow.js - smartphone rear camera image classifier (see images above)

  4. Tensorflow.js - this webapp lets you train your own model

  5. Tensorflow.js - I trained a model to recognise images with Teachable Machine and deployed it